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Music Theory Level XI


1. Secondary Dominant Chords

  • Root Position

  • Inversions


2. Modes (Construction and Identification in Any Key)


3. Form V: Sonata Form


4. Genre V: Symphony


5. Musical Period V: Twentieth Century (1900-2000)


6. Composers V: Bartok, Schoenberg, Prokofiev, Stravinsky


7. Terminology VII

  • Atonality

  • Serialism

  • Twelve-Tone Music

  • Aleatoric Music



Ear Training

  1. Melodic dictation: Complete the melody you hear.  The key, time signature and the number of bars will be given, but the student must notate them correctly.  The first note will be given.  Accidentals will be presented.  

  2. Seventh chords: Identify the seventh chords you hear.  MM, Mm, mm, half diminished and fully diminished seventh chords in root position will be presented.  

  3. Cadences: Identify the cadences you hear.  Authentic, plagal, half and deceptive cadences will be presented. 

  4. Intervals: Identify the intervals you hear by number and quality (Major, minor, perfect and tritone) will be presented.  All intervals will be played either ascending OR descending.

  5. Scales/modes: Identify the scales or modes you hear.  Major, minor (all 3 forms), chromatic, pentatonic, whole tone and blues scales will be presented as well as all church modes (Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Locrian).  






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