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Music Theory Level III


1. C Clefs

  • Alto Clef

  • Tenor Clef


2. Double Accidentals

  • Double Sharp

  • Double Flat


3. Pitch Identification III

  • Identify all notes on the alto clef staff (including ledger lines)

  • Identify all notes on the tenor clef staff (including ledger lines)

  • Identify notes with double accidentals (double flats/sharps)


4. Rhythm III

  • Meter and Time Signatures

  • Simple Meter (2/2 (cut Time), 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 (Common Time)

  • Main Pulse, Subdivisions and Counting in Simple Meter

  • Artificial Groupings in Simple Meter (triplets, quintuplets, sextets, quintuplets)


5. Intervals III

  • Melodic Interval

  • Harmonic Interval

  • Identify seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths and octaves


6. Chromatic Scale 

  • Construct a one octave ascending chromatic scale using sharps

  • Construct a one octave descending chromatic scale using flats


7. Solfege: Name all of the notes in a one octave chromatic scale, starting on C (ascending and descending), using Solfege.  

  • Ascending: do di re me mi fa fi sol le la te ti do

  • Descending: do ti te la le sol se fa mi me re ra do


8. Change of Tempo Markings

  • Rallentando (rall.)

  • Ritardando (rit.)

  • Ritenuto (rit.)

  • Accelerando (accel.)

  • A Tempo

  • Tempo Primo

  • Piu Mosso

  • Meno Mosso

  • Stringendo

  • Doppio Movimento



Ear Training

  1. Time signature: Short musical phrases will be played on the keyboard (no pick-up notes).  The student will be asked to decide whether they are in 3/4 or 4/4.  

  2. Intervals I:  Select whether a given interval is M2 or P4.

  3. Intervals II: Select whether a given interval is M3 or P5.

  4. Rhythmic dictation: In the given rhythmic diction, using eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, the student will be asked to write in the missing notes with their correct duration value.

  5. Melody: Short melodic excerpts will be played on the keyboard, consisting of seconds, thirds, fourths and fifths.  The student will be asked to identify whether the excerpts are the same or different compared to the written melodic excerpts given.



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