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Music Theory Level II


1. Accidentals: flat, sharp, natural


2. Enharmonic Notes


3. Ledger Lines


4. Pitch Identification II

  • Identify all notes on the treble clef staff (including ledger lines) with accidentals and enharmonic notes.

  • Identify all notes on the bass clef staff (including ledger lines) with accidentals and enharmonic notes.

  • Identify all notes on the grand staff (including ledger lines) with accidentals and enharmonic notes.

  • Identify names of all keys (black and white) on the keyboard, including enharmonic notes.

  • Identify enharmonic notes on the staff and keyboard.


5. Rhythm II

  • Dotted Notes and Rests

  • Slurs and Ties

  • Beaming


6. Intervals II

  • Half and Whole Steps

  • Skips and Steps


7. Major Scale: Construct major scales using half/whole steps (WWHWWWH)


8. Tempo Markings

  • Grave

  • Lento

  • Largo

  • Adagio

  • Andante

  • Allegretto

  • Allegro

  • Vivace

  • Presto


9. Articulation II

  • Tenuto

  • Accent

  • Marcato



Ear Training

  1. intervals (step/skip): A melodic interval will be played on the keyboard, and the student will be asked to identify whether it is a half step (m2), a whole step (M2) or a skip (M3 or m3).

  2. Rhythm: Short rhythmic excerpts will be played, using eighth notes, quarter notes/rests, half notes/rests, dotted half notes/rests, and whole notes/rests.  The student will be asked to identify whether the excerpts are the same or different compared to the written rhythmic excerpts given.

  3. Melody: Short melodic excerpts will be played on the keyboard, consisting of seconds and thirds.  The student will be asked to identify whether the excerpts are the same or different compared to the written melodic excerpts given.


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