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Music Theory Level I


1. Staff and Grand Staff


2. Clefs: Treble (G) clef and Bass (F) clef


3. Pitch Identification I

  • Identify notes (no accidentals) on the treble clef staff.

  • Identify notes (no accidentals) on the bass clef staff.

  • Identify notes (no accidentals) on the grand staff.

  • Identify names of all white keys on the keyboard.


4. Rhythm I

  • Identify notes and duration (whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc.)

  • Identify rests and duration (whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc.)

  • Measures, Bar lines, Double Bar Lines, End Bar Lines and Repeats

  • Fermata


5. Dynamics

  • Pianissimo (pp)

  • Piano (p)

  • Mezzo Piano (mp)

  • Mezzo Forte (mf)

  • Forte (f)

  • Fortissimo (ff)

  • Crescendo (cresc.) 

  • Decrescendo (decresc.)/Diminuendo (dim.)


6. Articulation I

  • Legato

  • Staccato


7. Intervals I

  • Unison

  • Not Unison


8. Solfege

Major Scale: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do



Ear Training

  1. Direction (up or down): 2 notes will be played separately, and the student will be asked to identify whether the second note is lower or higher.

  2. Melodic interval (step/skip): A melodic interval will be played on white keys only, and the student will be asked to identify whether it is a step (M2 or m2) or a skip (M3 or m3).

  3. Rhythm: Short rhythmic excerpts will be played, using quarter notes/rests, half notes/rests, dotted half notes/rests, and whole notes/rests.  The student will be asked to identify whether the excerpts are the same or different compared to the written rhythmic excerpts given.



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